Fresh out of graduation, unemployment stared me down. Determined to make a living, I started selling foodstuff in the market.  However, I knew I lacked the knowledge to reach my full potential. Then, the EUHD4A programme entered my life. Today, my thriving egg distribution business stands as a testament to the impact of this program.

Josephine Okon

European Commission Healthy Diets 4 Africa - Cohort I Beneficiary

Thanks to the incredible SYMUF programme, I'm no longer chasing unreliable jobs! Today, I'm a proud agripreneur, running my own successful agribusiness that even employs others! 

Blessing Paul

SYMUF Project Cohort I Beneficiary

This project wasn't just training, it was a life-changer.  Just months ago, owning an agribusiness felt like a distant dream, all thanks to the skills and resources I gained through the Creating Sustainable Youths MSMEs Through Urban Farming (SYMUF) Programme and the amazing team at APDC Group, I'm now running a thriving agribusiness!

Hajara Mohammed

SYMUF Project Cohort II Beneficiary

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