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Full Speech Delivered by Chief Arunma Oteh, OON, Ada Eji Eje Mba at the APDC Fashionistas Cohort VII (Special Birthday Cohort) and Nutripreneurs Cohort 1 Opening Ceremony.
  • Feb 27, 2025
  • APDC Group by APDC Group

Speech Delivered by Chief Arunma Oteh, OON, Ada Eji Eje Mba at the APDC Fashionistas Cohort VII (Special Birthday Cohort) and Nutripreneurs Cohort 1 Opening Ceremony.


APDC! Contributing to Africa's Development!

This has been an amazing experience. I want to thank Ms. Kemi Adeosun, former Honourable Minister of the Ministry of Finance, Nigeria, and current founder of Dashme; Alhaji Mohammed Ajia, Group CEO of FUNAB; Dr. Onuoha Nnachi, Managing Partner of DPH Investments; Dr. Chuks Nwanne, General Manager, Guardian Newspapers Abuja and North Operations, and the Guardian Newspaper; and my former colleagues who joined me for this program.

I’m sure you’ll agree with me that this has been an absolutely phenomenal experience. Let me start by acknowledging my brother, Dr. Chiji Ojukwu. It was an absolute honor to have people like him as colleagues at the AfDB. As you know, as Nigerians, “we never carry last,” and at the AfDB, Nigerians showed that we are the best of the best.

What he has set up reminds me of the kind of person Dr. Chiji Ojukwu is: always going beyond and above the call of duty. You’d think that after transforming agricultural and agro-enterprises across Africa, after bringing knowledge to several parts of this continent, he would just relax and enjoy the fruits of his labor. But he said no, and he said he wants to make sure he continues to drive impact. My brother, God will reward you. Congratulations to you, and I’m sure your generation in the future will be proud to learn that their grandfather led the way in what it takes to be a citizen who truly cares for the nation and society. Let me commend all the facilitators and the team that is right beside Dr. Chiji Ojukwu, because I believe he wouldn’t have been as successful as he has been without your support in running The Centre.

I’d never have imagined what I’ve seen today. Dr. Chiji always shares stories of the Centre’s impact and support from former colleagues at the AfDB, and I felt I should also support it. But I did not imagine that one could come to a center where they could learn how to grow high-value crops, mushrooms, poultry, fish farming, make amazing clothes, makeup, beautiful hair, and lots more. It shows you the power of one person who is hardworking, passionate, and wants to make a difference in what they do. Can you imagine how our country would be if there were 2 million individuals out of the over 200 million people who were like him?

Without the amazing students, and I learned that over 7,000 students have gone through various programs, this centre would not have flourished. We wouldn’t come if there hadn’t been much success. I’ve listened to the three alumni who came and talked about their experiences, and I was blown away. Why? Because they were already running their own businesses. So, you come here for exploits, and they’ve also been paying it forward. They had trainees working for them. Can you imagine if each of the 7,000+ past trainees had trainees, and they, in turn, had trainees? We would transform this nation. We wouldn’t have to wait for the government, because that’s what this program is showing.

I really want to say you couldn’t have chosen a better name for the 7th cohort, which you so kindly honoured me by naming after me. I feel so honoured. Anyone who knows me knows that I believe if you have to do anything, you have to do it well. As the Director of Programs, Mr. Maaruf, said in his presentation earlier, you all are the cohort of perfection. By naming you the special cohort, I strongly believe that in 14 weeks, you’ll be ready to run and make a difference to society.

Let me share a few thoughts from observations and my life principles that you may want to think about as you go through your journey. First off, I believe without a doubt that Nigeria is the greatest nation on earth. I say that having lived and travelled to many parts of the world. Nigeria is the greatest nation on earth because God has blessed this country. Dr. Akinwunmi Adesina, The former Minister of Agriculture and current President of the African Development Bank, when we served in government, usually told me that there’s no part of the nation where if you plant seeds in the ground, they won’t grow. So, God has blessed us, but the greatest blessing is its people—each one of you in this room. The alumni have shown that if you invest in a Nigerian, we’re not looking for handouts; we can do wonders. So, first of all, remember your identity: we are a great people. Of course, there are a few bad eggs, but those of us who want people to recognize that this is a great nation need to double our efforts and keep doing more so people can recognize this is a great nation.

My second set of thoughts is about what has guided me in life. Let me share a few. I believe that anyone who wants to live a life focused on legacy should focus on what I call the four “C’s.” The four “C’s” are character—you should be someone of integrity, and nothing should make you move away from those values; compassion—Dr. Chiji is a prime model of character and compassion because, as I said earlier, it’s much easier for him to focus on his grandkids than on running The Centre; competence—make sure you’re the best at what you do; and courage—what I talk about often. Courage is in many forms: courage to speak truth to power, courage to do the right thing even if you’re the only one. My parents always told me, that even if you’re the only one in a room of a million people, make sure you’re doing the right thing, because you have a family name to protect. But courage also means being bold and ambitious. So, if you’re running a business, don’t just think small; don’t only run one business. Get your business model right. And I know that the alumni who run a business will expand and build hairdressing salons around the country. Have a long vision of what you want to achieve. Make sure that your business model is well put together, and that the elements are elements of excellence, elements of doing the right thing, elements of hard work, and good people will always attract good people. Keep your standards high.

I know in an economy that is a bit challenging, and sometimes people do cut corners, but never cut corners. Ultimately, if you do, it will come back to bite you. My final words are really to say to each one of you, I will be your ultimate mentor. I’m looking forward to what each and every one of you will be in 1, 2, 5, and 10 years, and it will give me cause to continue to invest in you.

My chief designer for over a decade, who couldn’t make it because she fell ill, studied medical technology in the university, started with one sewing machine, and today her products are sold all over the world. She focuses on making sure every piece of her product is excellent and doesn’t compromise her brand. That is my wish for all of you. In the way Dr. Chiji Ojukwu has shown us an example, each and every one of you has to think  about how you can pay it forward, what you can even do today to invest in another person. That is what will transform the nation. Yes, the government can help us, but each one of us needs to attempt, in our own little way, to do what Dr. Chiji Ojukwu has done for our nation.

Thank you.
